Yoga Club

Yoga Club

RVS Polytechnic college had active Yoga club to teach and train the Yoga for the benefits of students.

Yoga is a practical aid, not a religion. Yoga is an ancient art based on a harmonizing system of development for the body, mind, and spirit. The continued practice of yoga will lead you to a sense of peace and well-being, and also a feeling of being at one with their environment.

Physical Benefits
  • Increases blood oxidation
  • Increases body flexibility
  • Helps with better sleep
  • Tones up the digestive system
  • Strengthens nervous system
Mental Benefits
  • Increases concentration
  • Reduces Stress
  • Improves memory
  • Enhances ‘mind-body’ coordination

Meditation club was conducted in the topic of “HEARTFULNESS MEDITATION” for our students on August 10, 2024 from 10.00 am to 01.00 pm in RVS Polytechnic College in Drawing Hall.

The resource person wasMrs.S.PANDEESWARI, Assistant Professor/ECE, RVSCET(Shri Ram Chandra Mission) from Sulur, Coimbatore. She inspired many students from his speech.

She teaches a form of meditation through which students are encouraged to purify their minds. The aim of meditation is to learn and hold meditative states while being engaged in everyday life. A true scientific understanding of spiritual practices requires acknowledging this philosophy, In addition to the neurophysiological correlates and mental state with which they might be associated.

Indeed, the Heartfulness practices have been developed based on insights about human nature from the Yogic research and personal experience of the spiritual teachers and their associates, without which their purpose can’t be thoroughly understood. Their experience relies on “Direct perception” as the preferred method of insight, which in Yoga is considered to be a more accurate method of gaining knowledge than the Scientific method.

Heartfulness meditation can improve concentration and focus and reduce stress and anxiety.

Here, we have enclosed the name list of the participated students.