
Cafeteria – “Relax”

Cafeteria, situated in a spacious building, cools down both staffs and students with soft drinks, enacts them with the hot beverages and relaxes them with snacks and pastries About 800 students staying in boys' hostel within the college campus find their leisure and relaxation even at odd hours at night in the midst of their studies, particularly during exam days at the cafeteria.

Hostel Facilities – “Make yourself a comfortable accommodation”

With the conviction that the students’ residential atmosphere should be conducive for study and development of their personality and physical traits, management has provided hostel facilities for both boys and girls.

The boys are accommodated in six blocks of buildings adjacent to the college and the girl students are provided with a separate hostel, which is kept under continuous vigil by a tight security system.

Good quality food is provided to the students at a reasonable cost. We have a fully automatic Domestic Mineral Water Plant that provides hygienic drinking water for the students.

ATM – “Any time money”

For the convenience of students and staff, there is an ATM counter of the ICICI Bank within the College premises. This makes it easy for them to meet routine expenses as well as contingencies.

Medical Center – “Health is Wealth”

The College ensures that students and staff have easy access to medical facilities at any point of time. There is a Dispensary and Doctor on call 24X7 to attend to any kind of medical emergency.